Legal notice

Please, read this Legal Notice carefully before browsing the site. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to accept the following terms.

The company, responsible of the website, makes available for its users this document in accordance with the provision of Law 34/2002, concerning Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE according to its Spanish initials), and to inform its users about the following general information about the website.


In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and other applicable legislation, which regulates the use of the website, we state the following:


Tax Identification Number:  B73328767

Address: Plaza Puerta del Mar, 1 1ºB, 30720, Santiago de la Ribera, MURCIA

Telephone number: 968571508


Data of registry in the Companies House: Murcia Companies House (Registro Mercantil de Murcia), Tomo 2142, Folio 190, Hoja MU-49383

The aim of the website of RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL is to promote its activity and give its clients the possibility of contacting the company, making requests, subscribing to its newsletter or notifying it about a complaint or reclamation.

The purpose of this document is to establish the Terms and Conditions of the website. These terms and conditions have to be accepted by any user who wants to browse the website.


The user agrees to use the website, its contents and services without contravening Spanish legislation, morals or public order. It is forbidden to use the website with illicit or illegal purposes against RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL or a third party which could, in any way, harm or prevent the normal operation of the website. 

RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL guarantees that the contents and services offered on the site respect the principle of dignity of a person, the protection of child and juvenile, the non-discrimination based on race, sex, religion, political or other opinion, national origin, disability or other status.

This Terms and Conditions do not provide the user any right to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or public display contents from the website other than the ones expressly provided on this document. 

The content (information, sound or image files, photography, graphic designs, etc.) displayed on the website is property of RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL or it is either authorized by its legitimate owners.

RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL agrees to not use misleading advertising and, as so, it is forbidden:

  • To use it for any advertising or commercial purposes that differ from those strictly allowed
  • To reproduce, distribute or modify it, partially or totally, unless their legitimate owners give prior and written authorization or if they are legally allowed.

Any violation of the rights of RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL or the rights of the legitimate owners of the content.


The user acknowledges and agrees that all the intellectual and industrial property rights about the content or any other element inserted on the website belongs to RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL or it is either authorized by its legitimate owners.

If a user or third party considers that its legitimate property rights have been a violated by the introduction of certain content on the website, a notice should be sent to RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL with the following information:

  • Personal data of the owner which rights have been allegedly violated or denote the representation which acts on his or her behalf if the notice is sent by a third party authorized by the owner.
  • A description of the content protected by the intellectual property rights and its location on the webpage; a certification of the said intellectual property rights; and an explicit statement on which the applicant declares himself or herself responsible of the truthfulness of the information provided on the notice.


This website provides links to other websites and to content which is property of third parties.

The sole aim of these links is to provide the user the possibility to access them. RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL does not, in any case, take responsibility for the results of the use of the said links.

The user which is willing to insert any type of link from his or her webpage to the website will have to get a prior and written authorization of RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL. The insertion of a link does not imply in any case the existence of a partnership between RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL and the owner of the website that inserted the link, nor the acceptance or approval by RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL of its content or services.


RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL reserves the right to modify, at any time and with no prior advise, the appearance and configuration of the website, as well as this Legal Notice-


RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL neither makes warranties nor liabilities about the damages of any kind that could occur in the following scenarios:

  • The lack of availability, maintenance and normal use of the webpage or its services and contents.
  • The existence of a virus or malware on the content offered.
  • The use of this website in an illegal or illicit way by the user.


RELY-ON SERVICES & SOLUTIONS SL has adopted the appropriate security measures to the data which processes and manages. It has incorporated all the available means to secure the confidentiality of your personal data, as well as preventing its loss, alteration, non-authorized use or theft. This is also stipulated on our Privacy Policy, which is available on the website.


The present conditions are regulated by Spanish laws and regulations.

Any dispute that may result from accessing or using the website is submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Murcia (SPAIN).


Should you have any queries about this Legal Notice, please contact us at or send a written request to the address indicated at the heading of this document.